Thursday, March 5, 2015

20 Months and March of Dimes

So, I've been MIA lately and I have no excuse. Slate is 20 months old which is hard to believe.  He's now turning into a "little boy" and losing his baby fat.  I don't understand how this happened so quickly!?!? So, here's little Mister's stats... 23 lbs 2 oz.  We know this, because he had the flu and a sinus infection 2 weeks ago.  Poor baby! He's starting to talk like crazy...often repeating things we say. (Uh oh!) He has gotten to be a very good communicator via his sign language.  "More, all done, and milk" are his favorites.  He says, "Momma, Daddy, Asher, happy, and uh oh" fluently and calls his Paci, "papi." It's absolutely the sweetest thing to hear his voice and watch him sprint all over the house and play and climb like a monkey.  I'm going to have a heart attack sooner rather than later. I went on a girls trip 2 weeks ago and he and Daddy stayed together...they had a blast!  Since then, he has become quite the Daddy's boy.  :(  I was forever grateful for being allowed to escape with Andrea and Lindley.  Good times had by all!  We got to see Courtney and Kayla while we were in Dallas and had some good food, beverages, and shopping fun!
We have also been chosen as the March of Dines Ambassador Family for 2015.  This is a huge honor and responsibility to spread the word and educate others on prematurity.  We will do our best to educate as many around us as possible.  ðŸ’œ  
Chris taught Slate to stick out his tongue...great!  Just great.....
Obsessed with cleaning tools!  We shortened the Swiffer for him and he's actually a great little sweeper!  Mimi's got him a "Dyson vacuum cleaner" and he's a hoot to watch. 
Flu+sinus infections=snugly baby 
New houseshoes from Miss Jeanne! 

Also, I just took away the Wubbanubs...he's doing fine without them and is satisfied with a Mam Paci...he also got two lower molars in (finally)!!! So we now have teeth #D, E, F, G, K, N, O, P, Q, and T! Whew!