Sunday, August 9, 2015

Talking, track meets, tee-tee, and tantrums

Slate, you never cease to amaze us.  Your vocabulary expands by the day and you are now putting together 2 word sentences.  Just a bit ago, you looked at your Daddy and said, Wake up, Daddy!" What?!?? Where did that come from and how did you know to say that while your Daddy was napping?? 
Geez, I was amazed! 

You are also quite good at throwing some major, red-headed tantrums.  Dear God, help me! You are easily frustrated and very determined.  We are in trouble with your strong will and desire to learn.  

You also ran your first track meet at Groom day this past weekend and received first place! Your Daddy was so proud as I was I but since this is his 'old stomping ground, you made his month! We practiced in the living room and you performed well! 
You have also decided it's fun to tee-tee in the potty.  However, it's ONLY on your terms.  We aren't pushing you to do it yet, but are so proud that you love to try.  

If I ever figure out how to post videos on here, I will post some fun things you've been doing.  Love you!